I'm not here to say that it's wrong. I believe that people with PTSD need more understanding. But one thing that I never hear people talk about is that PTSD is a selfish disorder.
Today my husband and I had another blowout. It's common. He's volatile and I'm in constant pain. My heart is in a constant state of broken. But our fights never go anywhere. They can't. My husband is unable to focus on anything I am saying. Instead, he is angry that I have feelings, that they are hurt or that I have an opinion about anything. I am not allowed.
The problem with moving forward is that PTSD is self centered. In my husbands mind and world, no one is allowed to have pain but him. And anything I might be feeling is wrong and probably the cause of his own pain. He is the only one with problems and our whole world and my whole life is expected to revolve around him.
He can spin anything to be my fault and has a knack for turning my feelings into something he can mock and belittle. I can't tell him anything. I never do. I am often so alone because there is no one I can talk to.
Right now, I will be honest and say we are at a stand still that might never be fixed. He has caused so much daily pain that I have developed apathy and am no longer truly able to be present. I am not trying anymore which sounds terrible and might make me a horrible person. But I can't keep going through this. I tried to explain it to my husband, but all he has done is be angry at me.
Telling someone that you understand by shouting "I understand" at them isn't really understanding. And all he managed to do was tell me all the things I did that caused this in the most condescending way possible.
People don't talk about that side of it often. The side that says no one can be in pain but me. The side that says anyone who is upset with me is wrong. The side that says none of this bleeds into anyone else's life.
He refuses to see how this affects me. He refuses to see that only he can be the one to make a decision to fix this. He refuses to accept that his choices and his PTSD affect my life.